Stob Bàn & Mullach nan Coirean – 2 of the easier Mamores Munros

Stob Bàn (999m) – Munro
Mullach nan Coirean (939m) – Munro
Meall a’ Chaorainn (910m) – Corbett top

  • Ascent: 1,267m
  • Distance: 14.5km
  • Duration: 6.5 – 7.5 hours
  • Terrain: Good path on approach; rugged & steep up and down Stob Bàn; boggy on descent
  • Steepest gradient: 35°
  • Exposure: moderate; steepest section is pathless up a field of rocks
View from the Stob Bàn & Mullach nan Coirean route towards Loch Linnhe
View towards Loch Linnhe

Stob Bàn & Mullach nan Coirean belong to the huge Mamores range on the southern side of Glen Nevis in the Central Highlands. In comparison to the other peaks, these two take slightly less effort and endurance to tackle, making them an excellent choice for fairly new hillwalkers looking for a longer and more challenging hillwalk.

You start your walk in the Lower Falls car park in Glen Nevis. Leave the car park northwards and walk along the road for a short distance until you come across a stile and a fence. Climb over and turn right, passing through a gate . Follow this path, which is boggy in places and climbs steadily uphill on the right side of the burn below.

You come across another gate . Pass through and continue on the path. After a short while, it zig-zags steeply up the hill. Stay on this path leading up the rocky slopes onto higher ground. The northeastern face of Stob Bàn looks more impressive the higher you get here.

You reach a crossing marked by a cairn . Continue west, approaching the mighty ridge leading up Stob Bàn. The path continues gently at first, but soon the terrain becomes steeper, and the path disappears, giving way to a large field of broken rocks and boulders. Navigating uphill over these rocks is the most challenging part of the walk because it’s also the steepest and most exposed section .

Closer to the summit, the gradient eases again, and Stob Bàn’s cairn is suddenly revealed in front of you . The view to the other peaks of the Mamores and the Nevis range is an excellent reward for the previous effort though.

From the top of Stob Bàn, continue north on another awkward and pathless section over scree and broken rocks. Further down, the going becomes easier as you walk towards the ridge linking Stob Bàn to Mullach nan Coirean. Follow the path along the ridge, dropping down slightly into a bealach and gaining height again. Use the bypass path to avoid moving too close to the ridge’s edge.

Shortly before the summit of Mullach nan Coirean, turn left and head towards the slightly lower peak of Meall a’ Chaorainn to the West. It’s a short detour over another scenic mini ridge, and from the top of Meall a’ Chaorainn you have a much better view of Loch Linnhe than from Mullach nan Coirean.

Turn back, walk over the mini ridge again and aim for the summit cairn of Mullach nan Coirean to the North , where you will arrive after a short while. From there, continue north and then northeast along the ridge, leading downhill in a straightforward way. The going is on a good path, however, which makes coming down a lot easier than coming up Stob Bàn.

Further down, the gradient eases, and you come across a fence. Ignore the stile here and keep to the left of the fence instead . Continue on the downhill path, which becomes boggier as you lose height. Ignore a second stile and stay to the left side of the fence .

The path becomes a bog fest now, but eventually, you reach a third stile just at the edge of some woodland . Climb over and continue on a good and dry path through the forest. The path eventually joins into a broader track . Turn right on this one, and continue downhill.

At a sharp bend to the left, you come across a footpath leading downhill . Take this path, as it will save you a couple of hundred metres of walking. This path leads directly to the main Glen Nevis road, from where it’s only a short distance to the car park.