Loch Lochy Munros – Perfect for beginners who want to level up

Meall na Teanga (918m) – Munro
Sròn a’ Choire Ghairbh (937m) – Munro

  • Ascent: 1,260m
  • Distance: 18.2km
  • Duration: 7 – 8 hours
  • Terrain: Excellent paths throughout
  • Steepest gradient: 35°
  • Exposure: very mild; steep, scree-covered path on Meall na Teanga
View from one of the Loch Lochy Munros
View from Meall na Teanga – one of the Loch Lochy Munros

The Loch Lochy Munros – Meall na Teanga and Sròn a’ Choire Ghairbh – sit in a very scenic position overlooking Loch Lochy and offering some great views to the higher peaks of the Nevis range further South. The route described here is the fairly easy “standard approach, ” suited for beginners looking for a not-too-challenging full-day hillwalk.

Although the numbers would rather fit the “moderate” category than the “easy” category, I’ve put it into the latter, because the walk is on good paths all the way and the terrain doesn’t pose difficulties.

You start your walk in the parking area near Kilfinnan Farm at Loch Lochy. Follow the road, pass the farm and continue uphill. Ignore the tracks that branch off to the right and the left; always walk straight ahead. This section of the walk is part of the Great Glen Way and is also signposted as such on occasion.

You soon pass more houses to the left and then come across a gate . Walk through and continue on the pleasant track. Ignore the next track branching off to the left. After a short while, you reach another fork , where a path to the right leads up into the forest. A signpost marks “Loch Lochy Munros”. So, you turn right now and walk uphill into the woods.

The path climbs steeply at first, but the gradient eases soon. Once out of the forest, you get some nice views of the wild glen below. Continue on the path, which is a bit boggy in places, until you reach the saddle between the two Loch Lochy Munros – a very boggy area.

Turn left, cross the bog, and take the path south towards Meall na Teanga. The path is quite boggy lower down but improves as you gain height while working your way further up the slopes. Here, you come across the steepest section of the walk , which happens to be on a scree slope – so extra care needs to be taken here.

After this section, the going improves again, and the gradient eases as you gain more height. Eventually, you emerge on a plateau. From here, it’s only a short and pleasant walk to the summit cairn of Meall na Teanga .

After enjoying the views and probably a snack, walk back the same way. Take care when walking down the steep scree slope, which is the most awkward part of the walk. Once down again, retrace your steps to the boggy area .

From there, walk up the path on the other side, which isn’t as rough as the one up to Meall na Teanga. It zig-zags pleasantly up the slopes, and soon you reach the summit of the second Munro of the day: Sròn a’ Choire Ghairbh .

The easiest return route is the same that you’ve taken on the walk-in. So, simply head back down again the zig-zag path, then turn left and walk out through the glen and the forest. Eventually, you reach the Great Glen Way again, and from there, it’s a simple walk back to Kilfinnan, where you have started your walk.