Little Wyvis – Wee hill, big views

Little Wyvis (763m) – Corbett

  • Ascent: 663m
  • Distance: 10.1km
  • Duration: 3.5 – 4.5 hours
  • Terrain: Broad track almost all the way to the top, then short pathless section
  • Steepest gradient: 20°
  • Exposure: none at all
View from Little Wyvis
View westward from Little Wyvis

Little Wyvis is the little brother (or sister) of the Munro Ben Wyvis right next to it. Although this Corbett is a fair bit lower than its Munro sibling, being in a superb position means you get all the great views without having to put too much effort into getting to the summit. In addition, an excellent track makes this the perfect walk for people just starting their hillwalking journey.

You start the walk at Silverbridge car park (which has facilities). Head out of the car park towards the road and walk on the sidewalk and the bridge over the impressive Black Water burn. Cross the road carefully and head up the track on the other side.

Ignore the path to the right, keeping straight ahead where a small path bypasses a locked gate . Stay on this path as it bends to the right, and walk through another gate .

Stay on this track and ignore the paths that branch off to the left on two occasions and another to the right. Eventually, you reach another gate . Be careful with this one because the rusty thing is ridiculously heavy, which can take you by surprise and smash into you when opening it.

Walk through the gate, and ignore the path to the right, which leads to the comms mast further south. Instead, you continue up the track to the left, quickly reaching another junction, where you keep left. The track bends soon and zig-zags up the slopes, where you will soon reach the steepest section of the walk . No exposure here at all, so you continue comfortably on the broad track, ignoring the path branching off to the left.

Further up, the track ends. Continue along this very short pathless section to the summit cairn of Little Wyvis . The recommended return route is the same as the one you came up.