Geal-charn Mòr near Aviemore – On the edge of the Monadhliath Mountains

Geal-charn Mòr (824m) – Corbett

  • Ascent: 607m
  • Distance: 11.9km
  • Duration: 4 – 4.5 hours
  • Terrain: Very good track for 2/3 of the way, then good rocky footpath slightly boggy in places
  • Steepest gradient: 30°
  • Exposure: none at all
View over to the Cairngorms plateau on the way down from Geal-charn Mòr
View of the foggy Cairngorms plateau on the way down from Geal-charn Mòr

Geal-charn Mòr is a Corbett on the Northeastern edge of the Monadhliath mountains, just west of the A9 and Aviemore. In comparison to most of the other Monadhliath peaks, where hillwalking becomes a real bog fest at times, Geal-charn Mòr can be reached on pleasant “un-boggy” paths. So you can leave your gaiters at home for this one. 🙂

You start your walk in the parking area in Lynwilg just west of the A9 near Aviemore. Walk along the road, pass the houses to the left and go through a gate .

You walk through a section of woodland, where you will find the steepest section of the walk . No exposure here at all. Soon you reach another gate . Walk through and continue on the track gently climbing uphill.

Eventually, you come across a bridge on this winding landrover track. As you gain height, it’s worth looking back every now and then, because the view of the Cairngorms plateau on the other side of the Spey is impressive.

At one point, you will see a cairn next to the track. It marks the path up to Geal-charn Mòr. So, you turn left, leaving the landrover track behind and continuing up this rougher path now, which might be a bit boggy in places.

The path winds up the slope and soon you come across a fence . Use the stile to climb over it and continue on the path. After a few dozen more steps, you see a trig point within a cairn. Welcome to the summit of Geal-charn Mòr .

From here, you get good views of the Cairngorms plateau and its huge peaks to the East, and to the South, you look over the more rolling and lower hills of the Monadhliath Mountains. The easiest way back down is the same one that you have come up on.