3 Munros in Kintail – Càrn Ghluasaid, Sgùrr nan Conbhairean & Sàil Chaorainn

Càrn Ghluasaid (957m) – Munro
Sgùrr nan Conbhairean (1,109m) – Munro
Sàil Chaorainn (1,022m) – Munro

  • Ascent: 1,400m
  • Distance: 17.2km
  • Duration: 7.5 – 8.5 hours
  • Terrain: Good path on ascent and on the hills; descent is on a very muddy path
  • Steepest gradient: 40°
  • Exposure: moderate; steepest section is on large steps and a good path but may require a short scrambling move to pull yourself up
View from Càrn Ghluasaid
View from Càrn Ghluasaid to Loch Cluanie

The three Munros Càrn Ghluasaid, Sgùrr nan Conbhairean and Sàil Chaorainn make a fine round altogether. The walk is mostly on good paths with some boggy and steep sections thrown in, as well as some pleasant ridge walking, making this a varied hillwalking adventure in the stunning scenery of Kintail.

You start your walk in the Lundie car park right next to the A87 at Loch Cluanie . Cross the road and head up the track on the opposite side. Shortly after, you pass a gate and, further on, a comms mast.

A footpath branches off from the main track . Take this path leading uphill. You cross some minor boggy sections now, but the ground becomes rockier as you gain height. Further up, the gradient steepens considerably as the path zig-zags up a craggy headwall. Here, you pass the steepest and most exposed section of the walk , that’s made up of large rock steps. You may need your hands to pull yourself up the rocks to reach the higher ground above.

Luckily, this section is only very short, and once you’ve made it through the zig-zag part, the gradient eases again and the going on the ridge is much more pleasant. Continue on the apparent, well-trodden path to the top of the first Munro of the day: Càrn Ghluasaid . You get some great views of Loch Cluanie and the countless Kintail peaks all around.

Head northwest now, along the rim of the corrie. There’s an obvious path for most of the way, passing the Munro top Creag a’ Chaorainn and leading along another corrie and up the ridge to the second and highest Munro of the day: Sgùrr nan Conbhairean .

Continue north into a bealach, always following the obvious path, which is slightly boggy lower down. Eventually, the path slopes uphill again on a rather gentle gradient, and soon, you reach Munro #3: Sàil Chaorainn .

Retrace your steps and head up the path towards Sgùrr nan Conbhairean again, but keep your eyes open for a cairn to your right . It marks a bypass contouring the hill on the lower slopes. Follow this path, and once it disappears, aim for the ridge to the Southwest .

The walk over the ridge is on a straight-forward path again. Once the ridge broadens, head south along the edge of the corrie and down the shoulder of the hill . The path becomes boggier as you lose height and heads east again lower down. You have the option to continue east on a pathless section toward the Allt Coire nan Clach, which you need to cross, and then head down a footpath on the burn’s eastern side.

Or, you stay on the boggy path – as in the route described here – and follow it down on the western side of the burn. Always stay on that side, as crossing the burn could have fatal consequences this low down. Head towards the road through some pathless section of heather.

Once you have reached the road, follow it east for a little more than 100m and then head up the track to the left . This avoids walking back along the A87 all the way to the car park. After another 100m, turn right and follow this track, which will eventually lead you back to the car park.