Ben Chonzie – A beginner’s darling

Ben Chonzie (931m) – Munro

  • Ascent: 733m
  • Distance: 12.4km
  • Duration: 4.5 – 5.5 hours
  • Terrain: Good path for 2/3 of the walk; then rougher hill path to the top
  • Steepest gradient: 25°
  • Exposure: none; steepest section on good path and grassy slope
View from Ben Chonzie to Loch Turret Reservoir
View from Ben Chonzie to Loch Turret Reservoir

Ben Chonzie is a gentle Munro on the outskirts of the Southeastern Highlands, where the hills slowly roll to a stop. Due to the very good approach path and relatively easy going further up on the hill, this Munro makes for a fine hillwalking tour, ideal for beginners.

You start in the Ben Chonzie car park near Invergeldie in Glen Lednock. Head towards the houses at Coishavachan, pass them by and walk through a gate . Continue on this track along the Invergeldie Burn, where you eventually cross a bridge and walk through another gate .

The track leads gently uphill, offering already a view of Ben Chonzie to the Northeast. At a sharp bend close to a dam , stay on the main path that winds its way uphill. Shortly after, it bends again. Ignore the path to the right and stay on the main track facing Ben Chonzie again.

You will reach a fork where another path branches off to the left. Ignore this one as well, and stay on the main track.

Just before another sharp bend to the right, you come across a small cairn indicating the start of the hill path. Follow this path up the slopes, where you will also encounter the steepest section of the walk . There is no danger here, however, as the gradient is still gentle and the going on the path is good and not exposed at all.

Soon you will see some fence posts. Follow these northwestwards, and once on the ridge, head straight ahead to the summit of Ben Chonzie . After enjoying the panoramic views, the quickest way back is the same one you have come up on.