About me

“Who is the Hillosopher behind this blog?” you may ask.

Let’s answer this pressing question: I’m Natalie. German by birth, Scot by heart, I made Scotland my home a couple of years ago – the best decision of my life.

My biggest passion is hillwalking, and sharing this passion, my knowledge and my Hillosophy with others is the reason, why I have created this website. As an aspiring mountain leader, I want to provide a valuable source of information to fellow hillwalkers and people interested in hillwalking.

As you maybe already know, hillwalking has not only a lot of positive effects on your physical health but also on your mental health. Particularly in regard to the latter, I have found hillwalking a superb way to keep your mind in balance.

I have never returned from a walk and felt worse than before the walk – I have always felt better. It may sound over the top now, but hillwalking has changed my life for the better. I have suffered from various mental health conditions for the larger part of my life, and have made huge progress in getting better ever since I started to go hiking in the hills regularly.

So I know what magical cures Mother Nature has in store for us – and the best thing about them: They are completely free to access for everyone. That’s what I want to promote in this blog: You can get into better shape physically and mentally just by putting one foot in front of the other and walking up a hill.

A bold statement? I dare you to try it out and find out for yourself. 🙂

See you on the hills