The 4 Glen Lyon Munros and 3 Munro tops

Càrn Gorm (1,028m) – Munro
Meall Garbh (968m) – Munro
Càrn Mairg (1,041m) – Munro
Meall na Aighean (981m) – Munro
An Sgòrr (924m) – Munro top
Meall a’ Bhàrr (1,004m) – Munro top
Meall Liath (1,012m) – Munro top

  • Ascent: 1,430m
  • Distance: 18.2km
  • Duration: 7.5 – 8.5 hours
  • Terrain: Good paths for most of the way; some pathless sections to and from the Munro tops
  • Steepest gradient: 30°
  • Exposure: none; steepest section is on a scree slope where care is needed
View from Càrn Mairg - one of 4 Glen Lyon Munros
View from Càrn Mairg – one of the 4 Glen Lyon Munros

The 4 Glen Lyon Munros make for an enjoyable hillwalk crossing a vast plateau on good paths. The views all around are superb, and keen hill baggers have not only the chance to bag 4 Munros in a day but also 3 Munro tops.

You start your walk in the car park in Invervar (if it’s closed or full, keep on driving for about half a mile west to find a large layby where you can park as well). Leave the car park towards the main road, turn left and, shortly after, take the footpath branching off to the right behind a gate , passing a house to the right.

Follow the footpath until you reach another gate . Walk on this track through the felled woodland, and pass another gate . Ignore the broad track to the right, and take the footpath to the left instead, which is marked by orange and green wooden posts.

The path leads along a deer fence to the right. Soon after, you reach a forking broad track again . Keep to the left there following the burn. The track climbs gently up the glen now. When it bends left towards the burn and a gate, ignore this, and keep walking straight ahead instead towards a rusty, wobbly bridge further upstream .

Cross the bridge and continue on the path on the left side of the burn. It leads along the forest area in a long bend, and eventually, you reach the lower slopes of Càrn Gorm. The path leading up there is quite boggy in places but straightforward. After a while, your reach the summit of the first of Glen Lyon Munros . From here, you can look forward to an excellent ridge and plateau walk.

Follow the path leading north and down from Càrn Gorm. Once you’ve reached the lowest point on the ridge, it’s worth leaving the path and heading up to An Sgòrr – a Munro top – that looked quite impressive on the walk-in.

From there, continue north down the shoulder and join the footpath again, leading up to Meall Garbh , the lowest of Glen Lyon Munros. Head east and down the rocky path. You can either follow the fence posts or take a more direct way over the plateau. Soon, you walk uphill again and reach another Munro top – Meall a’ Bharr .

Continue east, following the fence posts. The tor south of the summit of Càrn Mairg looks impressive from here and might be confused with the real peak. Climbing the tor will give you a great view into Glen Lyon and towards the Ben Lawers range to the South. Head north again to the true summit of Càrn Mairg .

The descent from here is the trickiest section of the walk and also the steepest one . Descend carefully on the Eastern side over scree and boulders, avoiding the craggiest areas. Once down, you come across a footpath leading South towards Meall na Aighean. If you want to go up to Meall Liath , however, ignore this path and continue east up the easy slope of this Munro top.

From Meall Liath, head southwest, aiming for the bealach lower down. Eventually, you come across a footpath . Follow this as it climbs up to a saddle. Turn left there and head over to the true summit of Meall na Aighean – the final one of the Glen Lyon Munros.

Retrace your steps to the saddle and continue west, contouring Meall na Aighean’s west top until you reach the straightforward footpath leading down from the ridge. Follow the orange and green wooden posts guiding you downhill .

Eventually, you reach a broad track just opposite the gate that you had passed at the start of your walk. From there, you retrace your steps through the felled woodland and back to the car park.